Saturday, October 31, 2009


What the heck is that? NaNoWriMo? A very intense undertaking. Groups of writers, thousands actually, take part in an attempt to write 50,000 words of a novel in only one month. I've been doing this for about five years now and it has helped produce two of my four completed books. I've only completed the 50,000 once but the exercise helps me get into an entirely new book. The idea is to start from scratch. A virgin idea and take it to 50,000 words. It's really fun but it gets hectic when you need to write over 1600 words each day. If you miss a day that's over 3000 to write the next day. Now, I normally edit as I write my word and my goal for a week is 2000. That means I must increase my efforts five fold.
I haven't decided to actually do it this year what with other projects pressing in on me. I may use it to help in my work-in-progress. Whatever I decide, it's a daunting task indeed.

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