Saturday, October 3, 2009


My novel's characters talk to me a lot. No, I'm not nuts. But it seems that they are giving me words and thoughts while I'm tapping the keyboard. And often when an idea comes, it's from that character's point of view. For example, my work in progress is from an Afghani boy's POV and when I'm writing, the words come in first person. And that's how I started writing this story, in first person. But my writing group suggested it should be in third person - and I agree. So I kind of translate what I'm hearing into third person. Kind of eerie when you think about it. And I didn't, until I wrote for this blog. Now I need to go back and examine that statement about being nuts. What if I really am? And like all writers I know, I must ask the question - is there a book in that thought? Could be. We'll see.
Have an awesome weekend. I'm going to be walking in the CROP (Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty) Walk tomorrow. Its mission is to help feed the world and end hunger. As they say, it takes one step at a time.

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